What is Hair Transplant Turkey?

Hair Transplant Turkey is short for “medical tourism,” which has expanded around hair transplant in Turkey. There are a number of reasons why Turkey has recently risen in popularity as a hair transplant location, including:

Turkey is a great place to have a hair transplant for a fraction of the cost of other destinations like the US or Europe. Reasons for this include the high value of the Turkish lira and decreasing labor expenses.

Competence: Hair transplant Turkey industry has been around for quite some time, and the nation is home to a vast pool of highly trained surgeons.

Technology: Modern hair transplant methods, including Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), are used in Turkish clinics.

In this article, we will talk about the hair transplant Turkey cost a lot of numbers in other countries of the world. The price in Turkey is lower compared to other countries. Turkey is one of the countries that tourists prefer, especially when it comes to hair transplantation. Now we can start giving information about techniques and average fees.

Hair Transplant Turkey Cost 2024

Hair transplant Turkey costs in 2024 vary between 1900€ and 8000€ depending on the techniques used. You can find the prices of each technique in the table below.

Types  Price Range in Turkey   Price Range in the UK   Price Range in Europe    Price Range in America 
Fue € 1900 – € 3500 £ 8690 – £ 11090 € 5450 – € 5850 $ 13400 – $ 16900
DHI € 4490 – € 7000 £ 12600  – £ 14090 € 6550 – € 41190 $ 14800 – $ 15300
Manuel Fue  € 4990 – € 7990 £ 43750 – £ 50090 13800 € – 42390 € $ 13900 – $ 13500
Sapphire Fue  € 2390 – € 8990 £ 23750 – £ 14090 5770 € – 7300 € $ 15900 – $ 15590

How much does 3500 graft hair transplant cost?

A hair transplant procedure, even one requiring 3500 grafts, can vary greatly in price based on a number of variables, including the patient’s location, the clinic’s or surgeon’s reputation and level of experience, the technique used (e.g., FUE, DHI), and any extra services offered as part of the package. Individual variables might also impact the total cost, including the degree of hair loss, the caliber of the donor hair, and the particular requirements of the patient.

Hair transplant operations normally cost between $4,000 and $15,000 USD or more on average. This is a broad range, though, and depending on the previously mentioned parameters, the actual cost for a 3500 graft hair transplant may fall within or even surpass it.

How much does 5000 grafts hair transplant cost in Turkey?

5000 grafts hair transplant cost in turkey

Hair transplants in Turkey typically cost 1.01 $/0.7 £/0.9 € per graft; for example, 2,000 grafts would cost USD 1,980, or 1,999 GBP/2,200 EUR; 3,800 grafts would cost USD 3,520, or 2,990 GBP/3,400 EUR; and 5,900 grafts would cost USD 6,400, or 4,987 GBP/5,500 EUR.

What is the recovery time for hair transplant in Turkey?

Like with any hair transplant surgery, the recovery period for a hair transplant procedure in Turkey can vary based on a number of factors, such as the technique used (such as FUE or DHI), the quantity of grafts transplanted, the healing process of the individual, and compliance with post-operative care instructions. Nonetheless, the following is a standard schedule for the recuperation period following a hair transplant in Turkey:

Right After the Procedure:

In the early aftermath of the treatment, patients may suffer some discomfort, edema, and redness in the donor and recipient sites. To treat discomfort and swelling, doctors may give painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications.
Following the treatment, patients are typically advised to recover for a few hours before going back to their lodging.

First Week:

In both the donor and recipient locations, swelling and redness usually peak in the first few days following the treatment and then progressively go down.
To prevent sunburn and reduce swelling, patients might need to wear a headband or helmet that fits loosely around their head.
After the treatment, the majority of patients are able to resume light activities and return to work in a few days to a week.

Two Weeks:

It is possible for the transplanted hair grafts to shed during the first two weeks following the surgery. This is a typical stage of the hair transplant procedure, and in the upcoming months, fresh hair growth will start.
Generally speaking, patients are recommended to stay away from physically demanding tasks, heavy lifting, and activities that could result in excessive perspiration or friction on the scalp.
It’s crucial to adhere to the post-operative care recommendations given by the physician or clinic, which include cleaning your scalp gently and without picking or scratching the scabs.

Initial Month:

While some redness or swelling may still be present and the scalp may still be sensitive, these symptoms should gradually go better.
When outdoors, patients should wear a hat or apply sunscreen to protect their scalps from direct sunlight.

Three to Six Months:

After the surgery, new hair usually grows in three to six months, however individual outcomes may differ.
Although the transplanted hair may seem sparse and thin at first, it will eventually thicken and take on a more natural appearance.

Beyond a Year:

Patients should anticipate noticeable improvements in hair transplant istanbul price density and appearance within a year after the surgery.
Following the operation, there may be ongoing development and improvement for a maximum of 18 months to 2 years.
It is imperative that patients schedule routine follow-up sessions with their surgeon or clinic in order to track their progress and address any issues they may have while recovering. All things considered, many patients find that the long-term benefits of a hair transplant in Turkey are well worth the few weeks to months of initial recovery.

Do Turkey Hair Transplants Last Forever?

Hair transplant in Turkey is generally permanent. If you follow your doctor’s advice, hair transplantation will be permanent.

Is it safe to get a hair transplant in Turkey?

Turkey has a large number of facilities that are renowned for providing hair transplant services at affordable costs. But there are a lot of variables that might affect how safe a trip is, even for medical treatments, and things might have changed since I last wrote.

Take into account the following while deciding if traveling for a hair transplant Turkey is safe:

  1. Clinic Reputation: Find out about the qualifications and track record of the clinic you are thinking about. Verify the credentials of the medical staff, look for evaluations from prior patients, and see if the facility is accredited.
  2. Travel Advisories: For information on the most recent warnings and updates from your government about visiting Turkey, go here. Information about health and safety issues in the area can be found in these advisories.
  3. Consultation with a Professional: It is recommended that you speak with a hair transplant Turkey specialist or a medical professional before making any decisions. Based on the particulars of the treatment and your health, they can offer tailored recommendations.
  4. Communication with the Clinic: Make direct contact with the clinic to inquire about any safety procedures, hygienic requirements, or other issues you may be worried about. Make sure they can answer your questions and are open and honest throughout the entire procedure.
  5. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Make sure the clinic complies with all applicable laws and ethical guidelines. Verify whether they offer comprehensive documentation, such as a thorough treatment plan, a breakdown of costs, and information on any possible hazards.
  6. Follow-up Care: Think about the administration of follow-up care. Make sure the clinic has a post-operative care plan in place and that you can get in touch with them quickly if there are any issues or complications.

How much does 3000 hair grafts cost in Turkey?

Hair transplant Istanbul can cost anywhere from $1 to $4 USD per graft in Turkey, where prices are frequently lower than in many Western nations. Consequently, the approximate cost of a 3000 graft hair transplant Turkey might be between $3000 and $14,000 USD.

It’s important to remember that real costs may differ from these broad estimates. When thinking about getting a hair transplant Istanbul, it’s important to do your homework and pick a reliable facility with qualified staff. Make sure the price quote covers all required services as well, and find out if there are any other costs involved.

To get the most current and accurate information on hair transplant Istanbul cost, get in touch with individual clinics, ask for comprehensive quotes, and find out what services are included in the package.

Is Turkey worth it for hair transplant?

Turkey has grown in popularity as a hair transplant destination since it is comparatively less expensive than many Western nations and has a large number of professional and knowledgeable hair transplant Turkey facilities. The nation’s medical tourism sector is expanding, and Istanbul in particular has made a name for itself as a center for hair transplant Istanbul operations.

  1. Cost: Compared to many Western countries, hair transplant Turkey procedures are typically less expensive in Turkey. For those considering a hair transplant Turkey, this cost benefit may make it a desirable choice.
  2. Turkey offers a mixed bag of excellent clinics and highly qualified surgeons, but it also has some less respectable ones. Doing extensive research, reading reviews, and selecting a reputable clinic with skilled doctors are essential to guaranteeing a safe and successful treatment.
  3. Infrastructure for Medical Tourism: In order to accommodate patients from outside, Turkey has built a strong infrastructure for medical tourism. This entails special resources, interpreters, and additional conveniences to make the procedure easier for guests from overseas.
  4. Travel Considerations: It will need time and preparation to travel to Turkey for a hair transplant Istanbul. It’s important to budget for travel expenses, lodging, and any recuperation time needed before going back home.
  5. Communication: Make sure you are able to interact with the medical personnel and the clinic in an effective manner. It can be difficult to communicate in different languages, therefore it’s crucial to choose a clinic with staff who speak English or to hire a translation.

How much does hair transplant Istanbul cost?

The price of a hair transplant Istanbul, Turkey, can differ significantly based on a variety of variables, such as the clinic, the skill level of the surgeon, the method (FUT or FUE), and the quantity of grafts required. In Istanbul, the price of a hair transplant Istanbul for a basic surgery involving 1,000–3,000 grafts typically ranged from $1,500 to $5,000 or more.

It’s crucial to remember that costs might differ greatly between clinics and can have altered since then. The surgeon’s experience, the clinic’s standing, and the treatments rendered could all have an impact on the cost.

Selecting a trustworthy facility with a history of successful treatments and patient satisfaction is essential before moving forward with a hair transplant Istanbul or any other location. To find out how many grafts you’ll need and to receive a precise cost estimate, you need also schedule a consultation with the clinic. In addition, when calculating your budget, take into account any extra costs for things like travel, lodging, and post-operative care.

Turkey’s Best Hair Transplants: FUE, Sapphire & DHI

Techniques  Advantages Duration
FUE (Follicular unit extraction)  The lack of obvious scars.

The use of a tiny punch makes this process less intrusive.

Following the intervention, some discomfort is experienced.

2 to 4 hours
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) It’s a great choice that’s required for a technical transplant.

It costs less than FUE.

Compared to other approaches, the recuperation time is shorter.

4 to 12 hours
DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) The donor or recipient region is not shaved during the follicle application process.

Using this approach, no stitches are needed.

You can achieve more organic results.

8 Hours
FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) Hair bulbs in larger quantities can be taken.

Large alopecic zones are more suited for this method.

It is nearly impossible to harm the micrografts when they are in the subdivision stage.

2 to 5 hours Sapphire
Sapphire FUE On the scalp, there is less scarring.

Following the procedure, there were no complications.

This process can result in grafted hair that is thicker than before.

6 to 8 hou

What is the Average Cost Per Graft in Turkey?

The average cost per graft in Turkey ranges from $0,8 to $1,2. On the other hand, package rates covering up to 4,500 grafts are offered by the majority of Turkish clinics. That suggests that the expense of two or four thousand grafts will be the same. A hair transplant Istanbul including 3000 grafts might cost anywhere from $1,900 to $2,900 in Turkey.

How much does a good hair transplant Turkey price?

A hair transplant with 3000 grafts might cost anything from $1,900 to $2,900 in Turkey. It should be mentioned that the treatment option selected will affect the cost of a hair transplant Istanbul. However, the cost of a hair transplant with 5000 grafts might range from $2,500 to $4,300.

Does The Cost Vary Depending On The Type Of Hair Transplant Turkey?

Average price of hair transplant Turkey FUE technique; fue method is the process of collecting and planting grafts taken from the donor area one by one with the help of a micro-motor device. It is the most widely used method today and in our country. Compared to other methods, the fue method is much more economical.

The cost of hair transplantation by FUE method varies according to the number of grafts planted. The average price of plants with less than 3,500 units is about 5000 $, while for patients who need more intensive hair transplant Istanbul, the price is about 7500 $. The quality of the material used in the FUE technique can increase prices. Currently, the FUE technique is applied in the form of a micromotor, not a manual one.

DHI technique and hair transplant Istanbul price; In the DHI method, the channel is opened with the help of a medical pen and the graft is placed simultaneously. The DHI method has many advantages over other methods, but the DHI method is not a suitable method for every hair type. Because of the medical materials used, DHI technique is higher than other methods. Disposable medical pen used in DHI method reduces operation time and increases operation cost. The cost of hair transplantation with DHI technique can vary between 8500-12500 $.

Unshaven, hair transplantation and hair restoration Prices; Hair transplantation without hair cutting is done without extra charge in some clinics, while some clinics are done with a fee in accordance with the fee policy. It is not a different technique, so it is used in FUE and DHI techniques. Women usually prefer unshaven hair transplant turkey.

What does a hair transplant cost in Istanbul?

In Istanbul, a hair transplant typically costs $1,900. $1,850 was the lowest price that was offered, and $5,150 was the highest.

Where do celebrities go for hair transplant in Turkey?

Like any other patient, celebrities looking to have hair transplants may research many clinics before deciding on one. These may include the surgeon’s reputation, the quality of the facilities, the success rate, and the level of privacy offered. Discretion and anonymity are guaranteed for high-profile customers at several Turkish clinics that provide VIP services.

The Aslı Tarcan Clinic is among the most popular choices among celebrities for hair transplants.

What is included in the Turkey hair transplant package?

Depending on the facility, most Turkey hair transplant packages provide everything you might possibly need for the procedure. A rough outline of what you may discover is as follows:

Essential Steps:

The meat of the hair transplant process is the surgery itself, which involves removing and implanting hair follicles using methods such as FUE or DHI.
Medication and Personal Care Items: Antibiotics, pain relievers, and therapeutic shampoos are common items given out by medical facilities to patients.

Transportation and Lodging:

A few nights’ stay in a nice hotel—sometimes even a five-star—is a standard component of many vacation packages.
Transfers to and from the airport, medical facility, and accommodation are often included into these packages.

Extra Services (as offered by each clinic):

Platelet-rich plasma treatment (PRP) has the ability to stimulate hair growth.
Hair follicle stimulation injections are known as mesotherapy.
Preoperative blood work: to determine your overall health.
To ensure effective communication during your stay, we provide translation services.
A guarantee or warranty may be offered by certain clinics on the development of transplanted hair.

Important Considerations:

Total Cost: All-inclusive packages may seem like a good deal at first, but before you buy, make sure you compare the fine print.
The cost might be affected by the number of grafts, since not all programs provide limitless grafts.
Keep an eye out for any unexpected fees that were not stated initially.


How much is 5000 hair grafts?

The price of 5000 hair grafts varies between $9,000 to $12,000.
It might be essential to do a hair transplant with 5000 hair grafts for people looking for a more extensive hair restoration. But be ready to spend a lot of money—at a mediocre facility, this operation might run you between $9,000 and $12,000.

How much hair is 3000 grafts?

6,600–5,400 hairs 
Every person has a distinct amount of hair in a single transplant. On the other hand, one graft often contains one to five hairs for many people. A hair-to-graft ratio of 1.8 to 2.2 is typical. This implies that 5,400–6,600 hairs would be included in a 3,000-graft hair transplant.

How much does a full hair transplant Turkey cost?

Full hair transplant Istanbul price can vary significantly based on a number of variables, including the clinic you select, the expertise of the medical staff, the technique employed, the severity of the hair loss, and the quantity of grafts necessary.

Full hair transplant turkey typically cost between $1,000 and $4,000 USD, while some clinics charge considerably more for luxury services or cutting-edge methods.

It’s crucial to remember that, even while cost is a major aspect, you shouldn’t base your decision entirely on it when choosing a clinic for your hair transplant Istanbul. Furthermore important variables to take into account are the skill and reputation of the medical staff, the caliber of the facilities, and the general patient experience.

Remember that pricing might fluctuate over time, so it is advised to do some research and speak with various clinics directly to get the most recent details on costs and what is included in the package. Be wary of unusually low costs as well because they could be a sign of poor quality or unscrupulous business practices. When making a choice, always put the procedure’s safety and efficacy first.

How much does 6000 hair grafts cost?

Depending on a number of variables, such as the clinic or hospital, the location, the surgical technique utilized, the surgeon’s experience, and any other services provided, the price of 6,000 hair grafts for a hair transplant Istanbul can vary greatly. You’ll need to request quotes from specific clinics or surgeons to receive a precise estimate for 6,000 grafts.

The price per graft for follicular unit extraction (FUE) might be as high as $3. Depending on the previously indicated criteria, you may anticipate paying between $9,000 and $18,000 or even more for 6,000 grafts.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): Compared to FUE, FUT is frequently a little less expensive. The price per graft could be as high as $2.5 or more. You might spend anywhere between $6,000 and $15,000 or more on 6,000 grafts with FUT.

Remember that these are only tentative estimates and that final costs may differ significantly. The ultimate price may vary depending on the reputation of the clinic, the surgeon’s qualifications, and any additional services included in the package. In order to get current rates that are catered to your particular needs and circumstances, I advise getting in touch with a number of clinics or surgeons.

How much does 5000 hair grafts cover?

Several variables, including the degree of your hair loss, the thickness of your hair, the size of the recipient area (bald or thinning area), and your desired hair density, will determine the number of grafts required to give appropriate covering. For people with moderate to advanced hair loss, 5000 hair transplant Istanbul can typically offer substantial coverage.

How Is Graft Calculation Done for Hair Transplant Turkey?

Graft calculation is performed by a specialist who will perform the operation in the clinic according to the structure of the hair and the size of the area to be planted. This is the most accurate calculation method, even if there are grift calculation sites online. Hair is divided into three groups according to its frequency.

It can be listed as thin hair, medium dense hair and dense hair. At the same time, a calculation can be made according to the density of hair as follows. Let’s sort the hair from the middle of the side eyebrows according to the middle part of the back. So let’s define 4 regions in this order. By this region;

  1. 1 graft in the area (above the eyebrow, side and front) = 1.75 strands of hair
  2. 1 graft in the area (upper and lower middle) = 2.5 strands of hair
  3. Region (middle section) 1 graft = 2.45 strands of hair
  4. Region (back part) 1 graft = 2.25 strands of hair

Now that we’ve determined the regions and the amount of graft, we can do the following calculation. Let’s say a patient who wants a hair transplant is 1. it needs 300 strands of hair in the area. In this case

300 / 1.75 = 171 grafts. Accordingly, 171 grafts will have to be taken from this person. If the area in which the person’s hair will be planted is 3 regions, and the hair density found here is equal to 2.45 hair per 1 graft, this time;

300 / 2.45 = 122 grafts will suffice.

 Calculating The Average Fee Per Graft

This calculation that we have made is the average.  According to the patient’s hair needs, hair density should be decided only by specialists. This calculation that we have made is not a valid calculation method, it is intended only for you to understand the average price of hair transplant Turkey.

The number of grafts is very important, so if the graft is taken less, the area without hair cannot be closed. Hair transplantation may be needed again, as an artificial appearance will occur. Both less removal of the graft and more removal cause aesthetic problems. Again, the average price of hair transplant Turkey given by companies in the internet environment is as follows.

  • 500 graft price: £ 1,000
  • Price of 1,000 grafts: £ 2,000
  • Price of 2,000 grafts: £ 3,500
  • 4,000 Grft price: £ 7,500
  • 5,000 graft price: £ 9,000
  • 6,000 graft price: £ 10,000
  • 7,000 graft price: £ 12,000

The most accurate cost of hair transplantation will be determined after the examination

The Cost of Hair Transplant Turkey for Women: Get the Specifics

The cost of hair transplant Turkey for women is one of the most attractive aspects of the country, with prices typically much lower than in other countries. The exact cost of a procedure will depend on factors such as the amount of work needed, and the type of transplant being done.

Are you considering to restore your hairline and boost your confidence?  If so, you may have considered Turkey as a destination for the procedure. When compared to the US, where hair transplants can cost a lot, it’s clear why people are choosing Turkey as their destination.

However, it’s important to note that price shouldn’t be the only factor when selecting a clinic. Make sure you research each clinic thoroughly and look at factors such as the qualifications of the staff and reviews from previous patients. Turkey is also a great destination if you’re looking for high-quality results.

Many clinics in the country use advanced techniques such as FUE (follicular unit extraction) to provide patients with natural-looking results. When it comes to the cost of a hair transplant Turkey for women you need low costs and high-quality results.

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